该 API 的 Base URL 格式如下:
控制面接口速率限制为单用户单接口每秒最多 20 个请求。
export BASE_URL="https://api.cloud.zilliz.com.cn"
认证令牌,应为具备适当权限的 API 密钥。
The ID of the cluster whose backup is in concern.
The ID of the backup in concern.
export CLUSTER_ID="inxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
export BACKUP_ID="Dedicated-01_backup3"
curl --request GET \
--url "${BASE_URL}/v2/clusters/${CLUSTER_ID}/backups/${BACKUP_ID}" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer ${TOKEN}" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json"
Response code.
Response payload which is the information about the backup in detail.
The ID of the cluster that holds the backup.
The name of the cluster that holds the backup.
The ID of the project that holds the backed-up cluster.
The ID of the backup.
The name of the backup.
The type of resources backed up.
Whether the backup was created manually or automatically.
The current status of the backup.
The size of the backup in bytes.
The ID of the cloud region where the backup is located.
The expiration time of the backup.
A list of databases and its collections that are included in the backup.
A database and its collections that are included in the backup.
The name of the database.
The collections that are included in the backup.
The collection information.
The name of the collection.
The description of the collection.
The loading status of the collection.
The time at which the backup was created.
Returns an error message.
"code": 0,
"data": {
"clusterId": "in01-31a6b840e50b72d",
"clusterName": "Dediacted-01",
"projectId": "proj-b44a39b0c51cf21791a841",
"backupId": "backup0_1e3c0988ecb7f0d",
"backupName": "Dedicated-01_backup1",
"backupType": "CLUSTER",
"creationMethod": "MANUAL",
"status": "AVAILABLE",
"size": 112,
"regionId": "aws-us-west-2",
"expireTime": "2024-08-30T16:49:50Z",
"collections": [
"collectionName": "medium_articles",
"description": "Sample collection",
"status": "LOADED"
"createTime": "2024-07-30T16:49:50Z"